DATAPACKAGE: HEATING DEMAND OF BUILDING STOCK IN 2015 =========================================================================== Package Version: 2019-02-08 2015 space heating demand and energy reference area by age, building type, typology and canton (from SwissRes model) We follow the Data Package standard by the Frictionless Data project, a part of the Open Knowledge Foundation: License and attribution =========================================================================== Attribution: Version history =========================================================================== Resources =========================================================================== * [Package description page]( Sources =========================================================================== * Streicher, Kai Nino, Padey, P., Parra, D., Bürer, M. C., Schneider, S., & Patel, M. K. (2019). Analysis of space heating demand in the Swiss residential building stock: Element-based bottom-up model of archetype buildings. Energy and Buildings, 184, 300–322. Field documentation =========================================================================== building-archetype-space-heating-demand-2019-02-08.csv --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * age - Type: number - Description: Construction period of building 1945=Before 1945, 1950=1946-1960, 1960=1961-1970, 1970=1971-1980, 1980=1981-1990, 1990=1991-2000 * buildingtype - Type: string - Description: Building type MFH=Multi-family house, SFH=Single-family house * typology - Type: string - Description: Urban-rural typology based on commune level Urban, Suburban, Rural * canton - Type: string - Description: Swiss Cantons abbreviation: * era__m2 - Type: number - Description: Energy reference area (heated area) of building archetype in Swiss building stock [m2] * space_heating_demand_swiss_total__mwh - Type: number - Description: Total Swiss space heating demand for archetype [MWh] * space_heating_demand_specific__kwh_per_m2 - Type: number - Description: Specific space heating demand for archetype [kWh/m2] Feedback =========================================================================== Thank you for using data provided by SCCER JA S&M. If you have any question or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. For this data package, contact: For general issues, find our team contact details on our website: