DATAPACKAGE: BUILDING STOCK IN 2015 =========================================================================== Package Version: 2019-04-08 2015 residential Building Stock: Number of buildings, number of dwellings, number of main floors, energy reference area and heating demand by age, building type, typology and canton (from SwissRes model) We follow the Data Package standard by the Frictionless Data project, a part of the Open Knowledge Foundation: License and attribution =========================================================================== Attribution: Version history =========================================================================== * 2019-04-08 Not documented Resources =========================================================================== * [Package description page]( * [ZIP Package]( Sources =========================================================================== * Streicher, Kai Nino, Padey, P., Parra, D., Bürer, M. C., Schneider, S., & Patel, M. K. (2019). Analysis of space heating demand in the Swiss residential building stock: Element-based bottom-up model of archetype buildings. Energy and Buildings, 184, 300–322. Field documentation =========================================================================== building-stock-statistics-2015_unige.csv --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * age - Type: number - Description: Construction period of building 1945=Before 1945, 1950=1946-1960, 1960=1961-1970, 1970=1971-1980, 1980=1981-1990, 1990=1991-2000 * buildingtype - Type: string - Description: Building type MFH=Multi-family house, SFH=Single-family house * typology - Type: string - Description: Urban-rural typology based on commune level Urban, Suburban, Rural * canton - Type: string - Description: Swiss Cantons abbreviation: * buildings - Type: number - Description: Number of buildings * dwellings - Type: number - Description: Number of dwellings * main_dwellings - Type: number - Description: Number of main dwellings * floors__floor_per_building - Type: number - Description: Number of main floors per building * era__m2 - Type: number - Description: Energy reference area (heated area) of building archetype in Swiss building stock [m2] building-stock-space-heating-demand-2015_unige.csv --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * age - Type: number - Description: Construction period of building 1945=Before 1945, 1950=1946-1960, 1960=1961-1970, 1970=1971-1980, 1980=1981-1990, 1990=1991-2000 * buildingtype - Type: string - Description: Building type MFH=Multi-family house, SFH=Single-family house * typology - Type: string - Description: Urban-rural typology based on commune level Urban, Suburban, Rural * canton - Type: string - Description: Swiss Cantons abbreviation: * energy_flow - Type: string - Description: Type of energy flow: Final energy, primary energy or useful energy * era__m2 - Type: number - Description: Energy reference area (heated area) of building archetype in Swiss building stock [m2] * space_heating_demand_swiss_total__mwh - Type: number - Description: Total Swiss space heating demand for archetype [MWh] * space_heating_demand_specific__kwh_per_m2 - Type: number - Description: Specific space heating demand for archetype [kWh/m2] Feedback =========================================================================== Thank you for using data provided by SCCER JA S&M. If you have any question or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. For this data package, contact: For general issues, find our team contact details on our website: