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Building stock in 2017

Package version
Description 2017 residential Building Stock: Number of buildings, number of dwellings, number of main floors, energy reference area and heating demand by age, building type, typology and canton (from SwissRes model)
Last changes Not documented.
Download Data package (zip)
jasm-building-stock-2020-04-20.zip (114 kB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
building-stock-statistics-unige_2020-04-20.csv (72 kB)
building-stock-space-heating-demand-unige_2020-04-20.csv (227 kB)
Meta data README.md
Sources Streicher, K.N., Parra, D., Buerer, M.C., Patel, M.K., 2017. Techno-economic potential of large-scale energy retrofit in the Swiss residential building stock. Energy Procedia, CISBAT 2017 International Conference Future Buildings & Districts – Energy Efficiency from Nano to Urban Scale 122, 121–126.
K.N. Streicher, P. Padey, D. Parra, M.C. Bürer, M.K. Patel, Assessment of the current thermal performance level of the Swiss residential building stock: Statistical analysis of energy performance certificates, Energy Build. 178 (2018) 360–378.
K.N. Streicher, P. Padey, D. Parra, M.C. Bürer, S. Schneider, M.K. Patel, Analysis of space heating demand in the Swiss residential building stock: Element-based bottom-up model of archetype buildings, Energy Build. 184 (2019) 300–322
K.N. Streicher, S. Mennel, J. Chambers, D. Parra, M.K. Patel, Cost-effectiveness of large-scale deep energy retrofit packages for residential buildings under different economic assessment approaches, Energy and Buildings 215 (2020) 109870
T. Schluck, K.N. Streicher, S. Mennel (2019), Statistical modelling of the energy reference area based on the Swiss building stock, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1343, 012031.
Contact Kai Nino Streicher
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Field documentation

Building stock statistics in 2017 (building-stock-statistics-unige 2020-04-20.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
age number Construction period of building 1945=Before 1945, 1950=1946-1960, 1960=1961-1970, 1970=1971-1980, 1980=1981-1990, 1990=1991-2000
buildingtype string Building type MFH=Multi-family house, SFH=Single-family house
typology string Urban-rural typology based on commune level Urban, Suburban, Rural
canton string Swiss Cantons abbreviation: http://swiss-government-politics.all-about-switzerland.info/swiss-federal-states-cantons.html
buildings number Number of buildings
dwellings number Number of dwellings
main_dwellings number Number of main dwellings
floors__floor_per_building number Number of main floors per building
era__m2 number Energy reference area (heated area) of building archetype in Swiss building stock [m2]
space_heating_demand_specific__kwh_per_m2 number Specific space heating demand [kWh per m2]

Building stock space heating demand in 2017 (building-stock-space-heating-demand-unige 2020-04-20.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
age number Construction period of building 1945=Before 1945, 1950=1946-1960, 1960=1961-1970, 1970=1971-1980, 1980=1981-1990, 1990=1991-2000
buildingtype string Building type MFH=Multi-family house, SFH=Single-family house
typology string Urban-rural typology based on commune level Urban, Suburban, Rural
canton string Swiss Cantons abbreviation: http://swiss-government-politics.all-about-switzerland.info/swiss-federal-states-cantons.html
era__m2 number Energy reference area (heated area) of building archetype in Swiss building stock [m2]
finalenergy__gwh number Space heating demand for archetype - Final energy [GWh]
primaryenergy__gwh number Space heating demand for archetype - Primary energy [GWh]
usefulenergy__gwh number Space heating demand for archetype - Useful energy [GWh]
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