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Estimates of PV hosting capacity and battery installtions for Switzerland accounting for grid constraints.

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Description In this work, we estimate photovoltaic (PV) hosting potentials for Switzerland while accounting for the voltage and ampacity constraints of the medium voltage networks.
Notes We develop a method which estimated the the medium voltage networks of whole Switzerland in the first step and then we ran optimal power flow to size the PV installations through Switzerland. We account for the geographical variability of the PV productions, given by the capacity factors, in our analysis. Moreover, we also size and site the battery installations required to overcome the grid constraints so as to exceed the PV hosting potentials.
Last changes Not documented.
Download Data package (zip)
jasm-dg-infrastructure-costs-2020-03-02.zip (3 kB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
Estimates-on-DG-infrastructure-costs.csv (350 B)
Meta data README.md
Sources Not defined.
Contact Rahul Gupta | Fabrizio Sossan
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Field documentation

Estimates-on-DG-infrastructure-costs (Estimates-on-DG-infrastructure-costs.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
PV installation (GWp) decimal number
Battery Power (GW) decimal number
Battery Energy (GWh) decimal number
PV costs (USD billion) decimal number
BESS costs (USD billion) decimal number
Total costs (USD billion) decimal number
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