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Decentralized energy conversion technologies

Package version
Description Cost and efficiency data for decentralized energy conversion technologies, compiled from various sources
Last changes Not documented.
Download Data package (zip)
jasm-energy-conversion-decentralized_technologies-2020-10-30.zip (16 kB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
decentralized_conversion_technologies_summary.csv (2 kB)
decentralized_storage_technologies_summary.csv (247 B)
decentralized-energy-conversion-and-storage-technologies_literature_review.csv (151 kB)
Meta data README.md
Sources Multiple sources, see column Source
Contact Andrew Bollinger
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Field documentation

decentralized_conversion_technologies_summary (decentralized conversion technologies summary.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Technology string
Capital costs (CHF/kW) - MINIMUM number
Capital costs (CHF/kW) - MAXIMUM number
Capital costs (CHF/kW) - MEAN number
O&M costs (CHF/kW/a) - MINIMUM number
O&M costs (CHF/kW/a) - MAXIMUM number
O&M costs (CHF/kW/a) - MEAN number
O&M costs (CHF/kWh/a) - MINIMUM number
O&M costs (CHF/kWh/a) - MAXIMUM number
O&M costs(CHF/kWh/a) - MEAN number
Efficiency - thermal (%) - MINIMUM number
Efficiency - thermal (%) - MAXIMUM number
Efficiency - thermal (%) - MEAN number
Efficiency - electrical (%) - MINIMUM number
Efficiency - electrical (%) - MAXIMUM number
Efficiency - electrical (%) - MEAN number

decentralized_storage_technologies_summary (decentralized storage technologies summary.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Technology string
Capital costs (CHF/kWh) number
O&M costs (CHF/kWh/a) number
Charging/discharging efficiency (%) number
Standing losses (%) number

Literature review on decentralized energy conversion and storage technologies (decentralized-energy-conversion-and-storage-technologies literature review.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Technology general name string
Technology specific name string
Target sector string
Lifetime number
Year number Projection year
Source string Literature source
Capital cost (CHF/kW) number Capital costs in CHF/kW
Capital cost min (CHF/kW) number Minimum capital costs in CHF/kW
Capital cost max (CHF/kW) number Maximum capital costs in CHF/kW
Installation cost (CHF/installation) number Installation cost in CHF/installation
Installation cost min (CHF/installation) number Minimum installation cost in CHF/installation
Installation cost max (CHF/installation) number Maximum installation cost in CHF/installation
Fixed operation cost (CHF/kW) number Fixed operation costs in CHF/kW
Fixed operation cost min (CHF/kW) number Minimum fixed operation costs in CHF/kW
Fixed operation cost max (CHF/kW) number Maximum fixed operation costs in CHF/kW
Maintenance cost (CHF/a) number Yearly maintenance costs in CHF/a
Variable OM cost (CHF/kWh) number Variable operation and maintenance costs in CHF/kWh
Variable OM cost min ($/kWh) number Minimum variable operation and maintenance costs in CHF/kWh
Variable OM cost max ($/kWh) number Maximum variable operation and maintenance costs in CHF/kWh
Original currency string
Assumed currency conversion rate number
Output type string
Fuel type string
Emissions control type string
Capacity (MW) number Capacity in MW
Capacity min (MW) number Minimum capacity in MW
Capacity max (MW) number Maximum capacity in MW
Efficiency (%) number Efficiency in %
Efficiency min (%) number Minimum efficiency in %
Efficiency max (%) number Maximum efficiency in %
Electrical efficiency (%) number Electrical efficiency in %
Thermal efficiency number Thermal efficiency in %
Heat to power ratio number
Load factor number
Load factor min number
Load factor max number
Comment string
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