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Energy conversion technologies in STEM

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Description Data (costs, efficiency, lifetime, capacity factors) for energy conversion technologies: electricity generation, final demand technologies (boilers, heat pumps, air conditioning, lighting, etc.), power-to-gas and transport in Switzerland - Assumptions in STEM model
Last changes Not documented.
Download Data package (zip)
jasm-energy-conversion-technologies-stem-2020-03-05.zip (15 kB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
demand-technologies-sector.csv (6 kB)
elec-generation-technologies.csv (14 kB)
p2g-techologies.csv (898 B)
transport-techologies.csv (13 kB)
Meta data README.md
Sources Energy Sources, Production Costs and Performance of Technologies for Power Generation, Heating and Transport, Commission of the European Communities
IEA ETSAP - Technology Brief I01 – May 2010 Industrial Combustion Boilers
Electricity: Bauer, C., S. Hirschberg (eds.), Y. Bäuerle, S. Biollaz, A. Calbry-Muzyka, B. Cox, T. Heck, M. Lehnert, A. Meier, H.-M. Prasser, W. Schenler, K. Treyer, F. Vogel, H.C. Wieckert, X. Zhang, M. Zimmermann, V. Burg, G. Bowman, M. Erni, M. Saar, M.Q. Tran (2017) “Potentials, costs and environmental assessment of electricity generation technologies.” PSI, WSL, ETHZ, EPFL. Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland.
Electricity: Bauer, C., Cox, B, Heck, T, Zhang, X.
Power-to-gas: Vögelin P., Panos E., Buffat R., Becutti G., Kannan R., et al. (2016). System modelling for assessing the potential of decentralised biomass-CHP plants to stabilise the Swiss electricity network with increased fluctuating renewable generation, Final report of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy.
Transport: Kannan R, Hirschberg, S. (2016). Interplay between electricity and transport sectors – Integrating the Swiss car fleet and electricity system. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (94) pp.514-531
Contact Evangelos Panos | Kannan Ramachandran
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Field documentation

demand-technologies-sector (demand-technologies-sector.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Technology string Technology description of industrial boilers
Application number End use application
Capital (CHF/kW) number Specific investment cost
FOM (CHF/kW/y) number Fixed operating and maintenance cost
Life number Technical lifetime
Efficiency number Efficiency

elec-generation-technologies (elec-generation-technologies.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Technology string Name of technology
Year string Year
Range string Range estimates
Size (MW) number Reference installation size
Inv (CHF/kW) number Overnight specific investment costs
Fix O&M (CHF/kW*a) number Fixed operating and maintenance costs
Var O&M (Rp/kWh) number Variable operating and maintenance costs
Eff_elc (%) number Electric efficiency
Eff_th (%) number Thermal efficiency
CO2 cap (%) number Percentage of CO2 emissions captured
Life (yrs) number Technical lifetime
Dec (CHF/kW) number Dismantling cost (CHF/kW)

p2g-techologies (p2g-techologies.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Technology string Name of technology
Year string Year
Inv (CHF/kW) number Overnight specific investment costs
Fix O&M (CHF/kW*a) number Fixed operating and maintenance costs
Var O&M (CHF/GJ) number Variable operating and maintenance costs
Eff (%) number Output efficiency
Life (yrs) number Technical lifetime

transport-techologies (transport-techologies.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Technology string Transport technology
Eff-2010 number Efficiency per vehicle vkm/MJ in 2010
Eff-2015 number Efficiency per vehicle vkm/MJ in 2015
Eff-2020 number Efficiency per vehicle vkm/MJ in 2020
Eff-2025 number Efficiency per vehicle vkm/MJ in 2025
Eff-2030 number Efficiency per vehicle vkm/MJ in 2030
Eff-2040 number Efficiency per vehicle vkm/MJ in 2040
Eff-2050 number Efficiency per vehicle vkm/MJ in 2050
InvCost-2010 number Overnight specific investment cost CHF/vehicle in 2010
InvCost-2015 number Overnight specific investment cost CHF/vehicle in 2015
InvCost-2020 number Overnight specific investment cost CHF/vehicle in 2020
InvCost-2025 number Overnight specific investment cost CHF/vehicle in 2025
InvCost-2030 number Overnight specific investment cost CHF/vehicle in 2030
InvCost-2040 number Overnight specific investment cost CHF/vehicle in 2040
InvCost-2050 number Overnight specific investment cost CHF/vehicle in 2050
FOM-2010 number Fixed O&M cost in CHF/yr in 2010
FOM-2015 number Fixed O&M cost in CHF/yr in 2015
FOM-2020 number Fixed O&M cost in CHF/yr in 2020
FOM-2025 number Fixed O&M cost in CHF/yr in 2025
FOM-2030 number Fixed O&M cost in CHF/yr in 2030
FIXOM-2040 number Fixed O&M cost in CHF/yr in 2040
FIXOM~2050 number Fixed O&M cost in CHF/yr in 2050
Life number Technical lifetime
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