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Run-of-river power production 2009-2016

Package version
Description Power production time series of each run-of-river power plant in Switzerland (2009-2016)
Last changes Not documented.
Download Data package (zip)
jasm-runofriver_production-2017-10-16.zip (92 MB)

Individual data files (csv, xlsx)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2009.csv (71 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2010.csv (71 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2011.csv (70 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2012.csv (72 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2013.csv (73 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2014.csv (74 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2015.csv (74 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2016.csv (75 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2009.csv (18 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2010.csv (18 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2011.csv (17 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2012.csv (18 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2013.csv (18 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2014.csv (19 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2015.csv (19 MB)
RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2016.csv (19 MB)
Meta data README.md
Sources Water surface runoff, from PREVAH model
Swiss watershed geometry, from OFEV
Swiss hydropower plants statistics: Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz, from OFEN
Swiss monthly national electricity production, from OFEN
Data license No restriction of use if sources and contributors are cited correctly
Contact Jerome Dujardin
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Field documentation

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2009 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2009.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20090101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2010 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2010.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20100101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2011 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2011.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20110101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2012 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2012.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20120101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2013 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2013.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20130101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2014 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2014.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20140101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2015 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2015.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20150101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_15min_2016 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 15min 2016.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20160101001500 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2009 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2009.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20090101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2010 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2010.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20100101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2011 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2011.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20110101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2012 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2012.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20120101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2013 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2013.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20130101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2014 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2014.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20140101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2015 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2015.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20150101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time

RunOfRiverPlants_PowerProd_1h_2016 (RunOfRiverPlants PowerProd 1h 2016.csv)

Field Name Type (Format) Description
Name string Name of the plant, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
Nr integer Plant ID, from Statistik Wasserkraftanlagen der Schweiz
XCoord_LV03 integer Longitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
YCoord_LV03 integer Latitude of the plant, in LV03 coordinate reference system, in [m]
Altitude_m integer Altitude of the plant, above see level, in [m]
MaxPower_kW integer Maximum power output of the plant (at the generator), in [kW]
WatershedArea_km2 float with 2 decimals Watershed area that drains into the power plant, in [km2]
AnnualProduction_MWh float with 2 decimals Annual energy production of the plant, in [MWh]
Power_kW_20160101010000 integer Power produced by the plant at the given time step, in [kW]. The time step format is Year(4 digits) Month(2 digits) Day(2digits) Hour(2digits) Minute(2digits) Second(2digits). The power value corresponds to the average power over the period preceding the given time
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